Bronchoscopy Course



Now in its 25th year, this is a flexible bronchoscopy course directed by

Professor Pallav Shah, which has evolved to a modular format.

It consists of three modules;

- basic bronchoscopy and anatomy

- advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy

- advanced interventional bronchoscopy.

Our vision is to help new trainees and experienced specialists to progress from basic bronchoscopy to intermediate and advanced interventional pulmonology.

Attendees can apply to attend for one or two of the modules. The modules will cover the theoretical aspects around the relevant procedures, some hands-on simulators and recorded cases.

The basic course is intended for doctors who are training in respiratory medicine, anesthetics, and cardio-thoracic surgery and consultants who want to consolidate their knowledge. It will cover basic anatomy, advanced vascular and lymph node anatomy through to handling a bronchoscope. This module includes at least 3 hours of simulation. a key area covered even for experienced bronchoscopists is how to deal with a major airway haemorrhage. The course now includes the most realistic simulators developed.

The key areas that will be covered in the advanced diagnostic module will be the assessment and staging of lung cancer and diagnosis of peripheral nodules with the use of endobronchial ultrasound and magnetic navigation guided bronchoscopy. This module is intended for experienced bronchoscopists and hence suitable for experienced registrars and consultants in respiratory medicine and cardio-thoracic surgery who are interested in performing advanced diagnostic bronchoscopic procedures with flexible bronchoscopy.

The advanced interventional bronchoscopy will cover the theoretical aspects around the relevant procedures, some hands-on simulators and video demonstrations. The key areas that will be covered will be management of significant haemorrhage, endobronchial palliative treatment with electrocautery, cryotherapy and stents. The course also covers developing areas such as bronchoscopic lung volume reduction for the treatment of severe emphysema and bronchial thermoplasty for asthma.

This 20th interventional bronchoscopy has an extensive international faculty including Professor Felix Herth, Professor Dirk-Jan Slebos, Professor Jouke Annema, Professor Richard Lewis, Dr Hans Daniel, Dr Daniella Gomplemann, Dr Jurgen Hetzel & Mr Kelvin Lau. They have all published extensively on interventional bronchoscopy and pioneered various aspects of interventional bronchoscopy. I am delighted they can join us on this special event.


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This interventional bronchoscopy program includes



Clinical Cases

Hands-on using Simulators
